Katteri DK Meldgaards Sibiriske katte

Welcome to our cattery

Welcome to cattery DK Meldgaards breeding of traditional Siberian cats since 2004.

Our cattery is approved and has regular checks by the veterinarian.
We are registered at FIFé and member of "Jysk Racekatte Klub" (JYRAK) in year 2004 and we were also registered in TICA in year 2013.

In our breeding, we focus on the well beeing of the cats, good type, nice temperament and good health - all build on unique breeding lines, which we import from Russia. 
Our cats and kittens are part of our family and we provide good socialization for our kittens.

Contact us

Laila & Mads
Meldgaard Petersen
8930 Randers NØ, Denmark
Phone 0045 20655058 &
0045 20955915
